CDAC Funding Info


The Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) is a self-help group (SHG) serving underprivileged individuals and families in the Chinese community. From 1 September 1992, all working Chinese Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents contribute monthly to the CDAC Fund in accordance to their wage levels.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Information for Employees

Information for Employers

Information for Employers

  • For employees with double-barrelled race, the employer can refer to the first component of the double-barrelled race to ascertain which SHG fund your employee should contribute to.

  • With reference to Q12, the employee will have to contribute to the Singapore Indian Development Association Fund (SINDA).

    Please refer to Annexe for the contributions to be made by employees of multiple races or religions.

  • The employer can stop the CDAC contribution of the employee immediately after the Opt-Out Form is sent out. A copy of the Opt-Out Form should be filed by the employer for record. No acknowledgement will be given by CDAC upon receipt of the Opt-Out Form.

  • The employer shall pro-rate the contribution based on the gross wages paid to the employee for that period.

  • Yes, the CDAC contribution is on a per employment basis.

  • Yes. The employer shall compute the contribution rate based on the gross wages of the employee received in the month.

  • No. The employee can choose to contribute to one company and opt-out from the other companies he/she works for. The employee may also contribute to the CDAC Fund through various companies.

  • CDAC contributions are not mandatory for Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents working overseas.

  • Yes, after CDAC has verified that the contributions have indeed been paid in excess or in error to the CDAC Fund.

  • You may submit a written request with your company’s letterhead, together with copies of CPF Form 90 and the Contributions Details report. Your letter should state the reason for the refund, the amount to be refunded as well as the PayNow payee’s details (such as UEN, Company Name and email address).

    Please note that the period for any refund of the amount paid in error is one year from the date on which the CDAC contribution was paid by an employee.

  • Any refund on excess contributions shall be paid to the company. The company would then make the adjustment to refund their employee on the excess contributions to the CDAC Fund.

  • CDAC will process the refund upon receipt of the employer’s letter and copies of CPF Form 90 and the Contributions Details report.


Types of Contributions to be Made by Employees with Multiple Races or Religions

The table below is a guide on the types of contributions that employees of multiple races or religions should make.

S/N Races/ Religion SHG to contribute to
1 Chinese-Indian CDAC
2 Chinese-Eurasian CDAC
3 Chinese-Muslim CDAC & MBMF*
4 Chinese-Indian-Eurasian CDAC
5 Chinese-Indian-Muslim CDAC & MBMF*
6 Indian-Chinese SINDA
7 Indian-Eurasian SINDA
8 Indian-Muslim SINDA & MBMF*
9 Indian-Eurasian-Chinese SINDA
10 Indian-Muslim-Chinese SINDA & MBMF*
11 Muslim-Chinese MBMF & CDAC*
12 Muslim-Indian MBMF & SINDA*
13 Muslim-Eurasian MBMF & EA*
14 Muslim-Chinese-Indian MBMF & CDAC*
15 Muslim-Eurasian-Chinese MBMF & EA*
16 Eurasian-Chinese EA
17 Eurasian-Indian EA
18 Eurasian-Muslim EA & MBMF*
19 Eurasian-Indian-Chinese EA
20 Eurasian-Chinese-Muslim EA & MBMF*
21 Chinese-Caucasian CDAC
22 Chinese-Caucasian-Indian CDAC
23 Chinese-Caucasian-Muslim CDAC & MBMF*

* Employees who do not wish to contribute to either one of the Fund will have to submit the Opt-Out Form to the respective agency.